Latin Language Links
- Whitaker's Words - The best online
Latin-English and English-Latin dictionary - use this if you need to find a particular word!
- No Dictionaries - A great site that lets you read Latin with
interlinear vocabulary. The best part: you can set how many words you want to see! Use this if you're sick of flipping to
the dictionary all the time.
- Nuntii Latini - All the news fit to print
(and speak!) in Latin! If you're feeling adventurous, see if you can understand what the heck these crazy
Finns are talking about (advanced level of Latin required).
Cambridge Latin Links
- Magister Carruth's Help Page - links to online activities
and other ways to get help with the Cambridge Latin Course.
- CSCP Online Activities - practice
your vocabulary and grammar skills, get help with the stories and test your understanding, or visit online links about
Roman culture. NB: These activities now require a yearly subscription!
Texts and Translations
- Free Rice - See how well your Latin is helping your English vocabulary,
and donate rice to hungry people for free while you're at it.
Miscellaneous Latin Links
- Vicipaedia - Wikipedia in Latin!
- Imperial History - an animated map of
expansion and decline of world empires over time... note especially the Roman and Byzantine empires.